
This post is part of a series covering the NVIDIA Jetson platform. It may help to take a peek through the other posts beforehand.


This post builds off of Building Custom Root Filesystems directly and it is highly recommended that you review that post first as it covers background information that isn’t reiterated here.

To this end we have only a few steps needed to create our root filesystem:

  1. Debootstrap
  2. Configuration
  3. Flashing a Device


debootstrap is a system tool which installs a Debian based system into a subdirectory on an already existing Debian-based OS. This allows us to create a base (minimal) distribution from which to grow our rootfs. Since we are building for a foreign architecture, we also need some supporting utilities.

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install qemu qemu-user-static binfmt-support debootstrap
# Optional: configure locales so that qemu chroots can access them.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

The qemu-debootstrap application was installed by qemu-user-static and automatically runs chroot ./rootfs /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage when building foreign architecture roots. This step fully configures the packages in the new base distribution.

mkdir rootfs
sudo qemu-debootstrap --arch arm64 bionic ./rootfs

With that, we can now setup the chroot environment.


Chroot Setup

We need to set up the binds and copy the qemu-aarch64-static file into our new root.

cd rootfs
sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static usr/bin/
sudo mount --bind /dev/ dev/
sudo mount --bind /dev/pts/ dev/pts/
sudo mount --bind /sys/ sys/
sudo mount --bind /proc/ proc/

Now we can enter the chroot running bash.

sudo chroot . /bin/bash

Installing Ubuntu Desktop

In setting up the desktop environment we need to set up our locale. Feel free to enter your own locale for the locale-gen tool. The --no-install-recommends will give us the minimal default desktop environment and is missing web browsers, productivity tools, games, and many other things that we don’t want. The oem-config-gtk is the GTK+ frontend for the NVIDIA post-flash UI configuration and automatically removes most of its dependencies as part of the system setup.

locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
apt update
apt install ubuntu-desktop oem-config-gtk -y --no-install-recommends

That’s it! You can follow adding custom applications from the Building Custom Root Filesystems post if you wish to see how to add Azure IoT Edge, OpenSSH Server, or other applications to your root filesystem.

Wrapping It Up

Once rootfs customization is complete, exit the chroot.


And now unmount and clean everything up. Leaving these around is a bad idea ;)

sudo umount ./dev/pts
sudo umount ./dev
sudo umount ./sys
sudo umount ./proc
sudo rm usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static

Remove extra files left around from the mounts and installation of packages.

sudo rm -rf var/lib/apt/lists/*
sudo rm -rf dev/*
sudo rm -rf var/log/*
sudo rm -rf var/tmp/*
sudo rm -rf var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb
sudo rm -rf tmp/*

Finally, with everything configured, cleaned up, and ready, we can create the archive.

sudo tar -jcpf ../ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64.tbz2 .

Flashing a Device

Note: For the UI commands it is assumed that the jetson-containers repository is open in VS Code.

Creating the Filesystem Dependencies Image

Once you’ve archived the rootfs, we need to create the ROOT_FS_ARCHIVE in your .env to the location of your archive, for example: ROOT_FS_ARCHIVE=/home/<user>/dev/archives/ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64.tbz2. Be careful in that this folder is used as the build context and it all will be loaded into the build (so don’t use /tmp).


Press Ctrl+Shift+B, select make <rootfs from file>, enter the name of the final container image you’d like, such as ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64, press Enter.


~/jetson-containers$ make from-file-rootfs-ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64

Once the build is complete you should see:

docker build  -f "rootfs-from-file.Dockerfile" -t "l4t:ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64-rootfs" \
    --build-arg ROOT_FS=ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64.tbz2 \
    --build-arg ROOT_FS_SHA=8c0a025618fcedabed62e41c238ba49a0c34cf5e \
    --build-arg VERSION_ID=bionic-20190307 \
# ...
Successfully tagged l4t:ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64-rootfs

In addition, there will be a new file named after your build flash/rootfs/ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64.tbz2.conf which contains the environmental information you need to use it in the .env during a build:


Configuring the Build

Open your .env file and copy the contents of the .conf file created above. The FS_DEPENDENCIES_IMAGE overrides the default file system image used when building the flashing container. ROOT_FS tells the build which file to pull from the image and it will be checked against the ROOT_FS_SHA.

With this set, we are ready to build the flashing container.

Building the Flashing Image

Note: We’re going to start off with nano (nano-dev) but you can also run Xavier/TX2 builds here (just substitute the text nano-dev for jax/tx2).


Press Ctrl+Shift+B which will drop down a build task list. Select make <imaging options> and hit Enter, select 32.2-nano-dev-jetpack-4.2.1 and hit Enter.


make image-32.2-nano-dev-jetpack-4.2.1

Which will run the build with our new root filesystem in place:

docker build --squash -f /home/<user>/jetson-containers/flash/l4t/32.2/default.Dockerfile -t l4t:32.2-nano-dev-jetpack-4.2.1-image \
    --build-arg DEPENDENCIES_IMAGE=l4t:32.2-nano-dev-jetpack-4.2.1-deps \
    --build-arg DRIVER_PACK=Jetson-210_Linux_R32.2.0_aarch64.tbz2 \
    --build-arg DRIVER_PACK_SHA=2d60f126a3ecf55269c486b4b0ca684448f2ca7d \
    --build-arg FS_DEPENDENCIES_IMAGE=l4t:ubuntu-bionic-desktop-aarch64-rootfs \
    --build-arg ROOT_FS=ubuntu_bionic_desktop_aarch64.tbz2 \
    --build-arg ROOT_FS_SHA=8c0a025618fcedabed62e41c238ba49a0c34cf5e \
    --build-arg BSP_DEPENDENCIES_IMAGE= \
    --build-arg BSP= \
    --build-arg BSP_SHA= \
    --build-arg TARGET_BOARD=jetson-nano-qspi-sd \
    --build-arg ROOT_DEVICE=mmcblk0p1 \
    --build-arg VERSION_ID=bionic-20190307 \
Successfully tagged l4t:32.2-nano-dev-jetpack-4.2.1-image

We can see the built image which is nice and small compared to the default:

~/jetson-containers$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                                    SIZE
l4t                 32.2-nano-dev-jetpack-4.2.1-image      1.76GB

Flashing the Device

Set your jumpers for flashing, cycle the power or reboot the device. Ensure that it shows up when you run lsusb (there will be a device with Nvidia Corp in the line):

~/jetson-containers$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 069: ID 0955:7020 NVidia Corp. 

Now that the device is ready, we can flash it (we’re assuming production module size of 16GB/14GiB and not overriding the rootfs size):

~/jetson-containers$ ./flash/ l4t:32.2-nano-dev-jetpack-4.2.1-image

The device should reboot automatically once flashed. Once completed, it will begin the UI configuration process where you’ll create a user account and eventually log into the system.


This post showed you how to create a minimum Ubuntu Desktop installation for your Jetson Nano Dev Kit (or other device) creating a 1.5GB host OS footprint. This gives us a lot more room on the eMMC to run our containerized workloads.

To test out the new desktop environment, you can push the samples to the device.