
The unit of deployment has been moving toward containers, and IoT isn’t exempt. Developing containerized workloads for Jetson devices, NVIDIA’s AI at the edge IoT product suite, requires several components:

  • Linux for Tegra (Linux4Tegra, L4T): a package providing a bootloader, customized Linux kernel, drivers, flashing utilities, and sample file systems (this is more but out of scope for this introduction)
  • JetPack: The Jetson SDKs which bundle cuDNN, CUDA Toolkit, TensorRT, VisionWorks, GStreamer, and OpenCV
  • SDK Manager: UI front end for automating the secure, authorized, download, and installation, of JetPack components. In order to download JetPack components, one must have an NVIDIA Developer ( or NVONLINE ( account.

The default experience for work with Jetson products is to download the SDK Manager and use it to download components and flash your device. This is great for a “10 minutes to wow” demo but it isn’t useful when productionizing the platform.

Note: If you plan to build the images on the Jetson devices, the eMMCs will not be large enough. Secondary storage such as SATA HDDs, NVME M.2 drives, or PCIe riser cards for SATA/NVME drives will need to be used. You cannot use USB based storage drives as they are not mounted early enough and are too slow.

Building L4T Base Layers

An Open Container Initiative (OCI) compatible image which will run in a container on a Jetson device is built upon layers:

  • Base Image (such as arm64v8/ubuntu:bionic-20190612)
  • L4T Customization of Base Layer
  • JetPack Component Installation
  • Application Layer

To aid in automating this process, I’ll be leveraging the jetson-containers repository. It is a collection of make tasks, Visual Studio Code tasks, and Dockerfiles to bootstrap and help productionize Jetson container-based applications.

Everything you can do through VS Code is also available on the command line.

Building the Dependencies

To make this process repeatable, as well as save time and bandwidth, we are going to package the JetPack SDK into a side container. To get started, let’s clone the repository.

git clone
cd jetson-containers/

Create a new file named .env in the repository’s root folder. This file is sourced into your build steps and configures the builds.

To get started we need the JetPack dependencies in a reusable form which we can version control and leverage across multiple images.

There are two ways detailed below. The manual way has you run the SDK Manager and then running a build. The runs SDK Manager you have installed and automates its execution.

We’re going to start off with Xavier (jax) but you can also run Nano/TX2 builds here (just substitute the text jax for nano-dev/tx2). Both UI and Terminal options are listed for each step.

Note: For all images built here, you can override the image repository with the REPO variable (in the .env file) setting it to your container registry: but it will default to REPO=l4t.


Download the Components

  • Run the NVIDIA SDK Manager. Log in, select your
    • Product: Jetson
    • Hardware: Uncheck Host Machine, select the Xavier device.
  • Click Continue.
  • Check “I accept the terms and conditions…” at the bottom
  • Expand Download and Install Options drop down
    • Check “Download now. Install Later”
  • Set your Download folder if you want another folder used. Remember this location as it is needed in the next step.
  • Ensure all components are selected.
  • Click Continue
  • Once completed, close the SDK Manager

Build the Image

Enter the location to which the JetPack packages we downloaded (from the previous step) into the .env file using the SDKM_DOWNLOADS setting.



With that configured, we can now use Ctrl+Shift+B which will drop down a build task list. Select make <jetpack dependencies from folder> and hit Enter, select 32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1 and hit Enter.


make from-deps-folder-32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1


Enter your NVIDIA developer/partner email address into the .env file using the NV_USER setting. If using an nvidia partner account, also set NV_LOGIN_TYPE=nvonline as the default is NV_LOGIN_TYPE=devzone.


  • This automation requires that you have the latest NVIDIA SDK Manager installed on your system. NVIDIA enforces this and the tool fails to run if the tool isn’t up-to-date.
  • When building multiple deps images, you can log into the SDK Manager and choose to save credentials. This will be cached on the command line as well.
  • This will fail to run if the SDK Manager is already open.
  • If you enter an incorrect password, kill the build with Ctrl+c and run again. The SDK Manager doesn’t set the exit code correctly for invalid passwords, so the tooling thinks everything is fine and will build an incorrect image.


Press Ctrl+Shift+B which will drop down a build task list. Select make <jetpack dependencies> and hit Enter, select 32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1 and hit Enter.


~/jetson-containers$ make deps-32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1

This will construct a command line execution of the NVIDIA SDK Manager you have installed, and then run the image with your developer account email address. Eventually, you’ll see something like:

mkdir -p /tmp/GA_4.2.1/P2888
sdkmanager --cli downloadonly --user --logintype devzone --product Jetson --version GA_4.2.1 --targetos Linux --target P2888 --flash skip --license accept --downloadfolder /tmp/GA_4.2.1/P2888
Please enter password for user

Enter your account password and hit Enter.

You’ll now see the JetPack 4.2.1 Xavier files downloading:

Logging in...
Login succeeded.
Retrieving data...
Data retrieved successfully.
Installation of this software is under the terms and conditions of the license agreements located in /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/Eula/
 File System and OS                     ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
 Drivers for Jetson TX1/Nano            ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
 CUDA Toolkit for L4T                   ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
 cuDNN on Target                        ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
 TensorRT on Target                     ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
 OpenCV on Target                       ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
 VisionWorks on Target                  ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
 NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docke... ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
 Multimedia API                         ✔ [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 100
Install log file is available at: /home/idavis/.nvsdkm/sdkm.log     
All done!

Once the components are downloaded, the installer will trigger a Docker build using the downloaded files as its context.

# Continuing from previous command execution
docker build --squash \
             --build-arg VERSION_ID="bionic-20190612" \
             -t l4t:32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1-deps \
             -f /home/<user>/jetson-containers/docker/jetpack/dependencies.Dockerfile \
Sending build context to Docker daemon  3.482GB
Step 2/4 : FROM ubuntu:${VERSION_ID}
 ---> 4c108a37151f
Step 3/4 : RUN mkdir /data
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4fec3121a53b
Step 4/4 : COPY ./  ./data
 ---> b22598e1a164
Successfully built b22598e1a164
Successfully tagged l4t:32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1-deps

We can see the files installed into the image:

~/jetson-containers$ docker run --rm -it l4t:32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1-deps ls -a /data

With this image built we can now build the L4T base driver image followed by the JetPack 4.2.1 images (base, runtime, devel) which map to the official NVIDIA images for CUDA.

Building the Containers

Where to Build

Up to this point everything we’ve done has been on the x86_64 host machine. From here on there are two options (this all can be done from Windows too, but that is another story):

  • Leverage QEMU building everything on the x86_64 host
  • Building on the device


The images are pre-configured to leverage QEMU requiring only that you have QEMU and binfmt-support installed. To install them run:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends qemu-user-static binfmt-support

This configures the host kernel which is shared by the docker containers. With this installed, we can add qemu-user-static into the image and the kernel will know to use it for the ARM binaries.


Building on the device requires more setup, but can be faster that QEMU builds if using a Xavier.

Setting the DOCKER_HOST variable in the .env will proxy builds to another machine such as a Jetson device. This allows running the make scripts from the x86_x64 host. When using this feature, it is helpful to add your public key to the device’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. This will prevent credential checks on every build.

SSH into the device and run sudo usermod -aG docker $USER so that docker no longer needs sudo to run. You’ll want to reboot the machine after running this for it to take effect.

Storing these images will also require significant disk space. It is highly recommended that an NVME or other hard drive is installed and mounted at boot through fstab. If the drive isn’t mounted using fstab, the device won’t be mounted early enough and the images will start being saved to your eMMC/MicroSD card.Once mounted, configure your container runtime to store its containers and images there (see daemon.json below).

You’ll also want to enable the experimental features to get --squash available during builds. This can be turned off by manually specifying DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS in the .env file.


    "data-root": "/some/external/docker",
    "experimental": true

Driver Pack

We’re going to make the driver pack now which has a small root file system with the NVIDIA L4T driver pack applied.


Press Ctrl+Shift+B, select make <driver packs>, select l4t-32.2-jax, press Enter.


make l4t-32.2-jax

Once built, you should see Successfully tagged l4t:32.2-jax

JetPack Component Installation

The JetPack 4.2 and newer base images in the jetson-containers project follow the NVIDIA pattern of having base, runtime, and devel images for each device. The following command will build them all.

  • base: Contains the bare minimum CUDA runtime (libcudart) to deploy a CUDA application
    • This will be what you will want to build your IoT device from to optimize the image size. You’ll manually select the libraries needed and layer them into the image. The runtime and devel images show how to do this leveraging the dependencies images we’ve built in this post.
  • runtime: Adds all shared libraries from the CUDA toolkit on top of the base image.
    • This can be used to run applications which using multiple CUDA libraries without having to build an optimized container on the base image.
  • devel: Adds the compiler toolchain, debugging tools, headers and static libraries, docs, and samples to the runtime image.
    • This image is for compiling CUDA applications from source and setting up a build agent.


Press Ctrl+Shift+B, select make <jetpack>, select 32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1, press Enter.


make 32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1

Once built, you should see Successfully tagged l4t:32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1

Let’s take a look:

~/jetson-containers$ docker images

REPOSITORY                  TAG                            SIZE
l4t                         32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1-devel   5.67GB
l4t                         32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1-runtime 1.21GB
l4t                         32.2-jax-jetpack-4.2.1-base    493MB
l4t                         32.2-jax                       483MB
l4t                         jax-jetpack-4.2.1-deps         3.32GB
l4t                         jetpack-sdkmanager             952MB
arm64v8/ubuntu              bionic-20190307                80.4MB

At this point we can now start layering in the application. The project README has many more details not discussed in this post.

Push these images to your container registry so that they can be used by your CI pipeline and deployments.